
Aesop読むよ 日本語下手過ぎて恥ずかしい

第25話 THE BROTHER AND SISTER 難易度:★★★ 敗北


A CERTAIN man had two children, a boy and a girl. The lad was a handsome young fellow enough, but the girl was as plain as a girl can well be. The latter, provoked beyond endurance by the way in which her Brother looked in the glass and made remarks to her disadvantage, went to her father and complained of it. The father drew his children to him very tenderly, and said, "My dears, I wish you both to look in the glass every day. You, my son, that, seeing your face is handsome, you may take care not to spoil it by ill-temper and bad behaviour, and you, my daughter, that you may be encouraged to make up for your want of beauty by the sweetness of your manners, and the grace of your conversation."


・A CERTAIN man had two children, a boy and a girl. The lad was a handsome young fellow enough, but the girl was as plain as a girl can well be.

a lad男



wellはmay well, can well と同じくlikelyの意味


・The latter, provoked beyond endurance by the way in which her Brother looked in the glass and made remarks to her disadvantage, went to her father and complained of it.

the latterは後者、この場合女性のこと

S, V-edのようにカンマが挿入されている時点で分詞構文を予測、動詞を辛抱強く待つことが必要。

provoke Oを怒らせる

beyond endurance我慢の限界を超えて、たまらなく

the way in which SV:SがVする様子、~ということ

the wayもhowも、どちらも意味が薄れ、「~ということ」というthatに近い機能になることがあります。

the way in which SVは… the way + SV in the wayこのwayを関係詞にして… the way + SV in which、そして前置詞+whichの塊で前に移動したもの… the way in which SV

前置詞の移動は形式張った言い方をするときなど、随意的なときなことも多いですが、in the wayのように「前置詞+名詞」の結合が強いときは、which SV inのようにそれらをバラバラにすることはできず、「前置詞+which」の形が義務的になります。

また、the way in whichやthe degree to whichなどはthe wayを説明する節がin whichで、the degreeを説明する節がto whichで(同格ではないが)導かれると覚えてしまったほうがスムーズに読めると思います。

look in the mirror鏡を見る

make a remark意見を述べる

to one's disadvantage: ~に不利になるような


complain of itのitは兄の発言を指します。

・The father drew his children to him very tenderly, and said, "My dears, I wish you both to look in the glass every day. You, my son, that, seeing your face is handsome, you may take care not to spoil it by ill-temper and bad behaviour, and you, my daughter, that you may be encouraged to make up for your want of beauty by the sweetness of your manners, and the grace of your conversation."


wish O to Vbしてほしい

seeing (that) SVであるから、であることを考えると(分詞構文)

S:seeing your face V:is C:handsomeとしないように注意が必要。


◆every day.で文はいったん終わっているが、そのあとはSVを持たないため実質的に1文と思っていいと思います。(不安)

thatはin order thatあるいはso thatと同じ意味で、鏡をみる目的を表しています。

よくわからないthatがあればin order thatの意味ではないかと疑うのは基本の手筋として覚えておくべきでしょう。このようなthat節にはwill, canだけでなく今回のようにmayが来る場合もあることに注意。ここは誤読を指摘していただいた場所【反省】






You, my sonなどは呼びかけ