
Aesop読むよ 日本語下手過ぎて恥ずかしい

第30話 THE JACKDAW AND THE PIGEONS. 難易度:★★ 不明点◆あり

A JACKDAW seeing how well some Pigeons in a certain dove-cote fed, and how happily they lived together, wished much to join them. With this view he whitened his feathers, and slipped in one evening just as it was getting dark. As long as he kept quiet he escaped notice, but growing bolder by degrees, and feeling very jolly in his new quarters, he burst into a hearty laugh. His voice betrayed him. The Pigeons set upon him and drove him out. When he would afterwards have joined the Jackdaws again, his discoloured feathers and his battered state drew attention to him, and his former mates finding out what he had been at, would let him have no further part with them.

・A JACKDAW seeing how well some Pigeons in a certain dove-cote fed, and how happily they lived together, wished much to join them.
feed餌を食べる という自動詞
・With this view he whitened his feathers, and slipped in one evening just as it was getting dark.
with this viewは「そうするつもりで」つまり"to join them"の意味 a view自体は「意図」の意味
whiten Oを白くする (white + -en )
slip in Oにこっそり入る
oneはa dove-coteのこと
・As long as he kept quiet he escaped notice, but growing bolder by degrees, and feeling very jolly in his new quarters, he burst into a hearty laugh.
escape noticeは「気づかれない」の意味
take notice of Oに気づく から推測可能 
by degrees徐々に
burst into Oを突然始める
a hearty laugh心からの笑い
・His voice betrayed him. The Pigeons set upon him and drove him out.
set on Oを襲う
drive A outを追い出す
・When he would afterwards have joined the Jackdaws again, his discoloured feathers and his battered state drew attention to him, and his former mates finding out what he had been at, would let him have no further part with them.
※脱色する は discolorize
◆would let him have no further part with themは辞書になく少し不安な箇所です。take no further part in Oにこれ以上参加しない(英辞郎より)やpart関わりという意味があるので「彼のそれ以上の仲間入り許さなかった/ 彼が自分たちとのそれ以上の関わりを持つことを許さなかった」ということだと思います